Monday 19 December 2011

Breaking Hearts in 'Breaking Dawn'

Frankly, I'm not a fan of Twilight but I don't hate it either. I just don't think the hype behind it matches the popularity it received.

I went to see the movie with a couple of friends though who love Twilight. One actually loves Taylor Lautner (or rather, his abs) so she was giddy when his shirt was off in the first five seconds of the movie. I have to give them credit because Bill Condon (the director) certainly knows what the 'Twihards' want and gave it right up.

Honestly, the plot is quite cliche. There doesn't seem to be a great thought put into the storylines, just a basic love triangle plot line. But that's not really the fault of the movie because it is based off the novel.

In this movie, Edward and Bella get married at the tender age of 18 and just over a century. During their honeymoon, Edward gets Bella pregnant. Things become angsty as the family is divided. The vampire baby kills Bella but Edward revives her as a vampire in time.

I still don't understand how a vampire can impregnate a human. Isn't every part of them dead, so shouldn't the cells be dead too? It really doesn't make sense to me.

But the pregnancy was very well done. Bella had sunken features and darkened eyes. She really did at one point look like a skeleton. I was squirming in my seat because of the well-done special effects. In a way, it made me appreciate how much Bella loves Edward because there is no way you'd go through that much pain for someone without seriously loving them.

It was interesting to see the family divided about Bella's baby. Rosaline was the only one who from the beginning wanted to protect the child. Everyone else just saw the baby as a disease that was killing Bella. Edward only started loving his own baby after hearing his thoughts. It was interesting to see Bella and Edward actually in an argument. Now that they are married, they cannot run away from each other anymore and have to face each problem together. It was well done because I could see both sides of their argument.

There was a twist at the end though. The twist though is a make or break. For me, it broke. I won't spoiler it but it just gives me shivers. I did not like it at all.

Rating: 3/5

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